Lakeshore Academy’s goal is to glorify God by providing an academic environment where our students grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Our students learn their unique identity in Jesus Christ. Students will have a unique academic plan that will develop their God given talents and be challenged to develop these to succeed after high school. Students will have Godly mentors and teachers to encourage them in their academic journey.
They suffer and hold fast. They keep going.
Like Christ, they see the grief of the world. It moves them to action.
To God and their neighbor, they are bound by this respon-sibility. They eliminate all excuses.
Though under the Curse, they act. They must.
They have learned that there is a God and they are not him. They follow as they lead and compete.
Through all the Evil, they taste the Good. They are grateful.
In all things, love and victory. They excel still more.